Grammar Playgroup logo

Being part of your child’s early learning experiences is precious and Grammar Playgroup is a fantastic way for you to have input into those all-important early years.

Our Playgroup is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet other parents with young children and chat over a coffee. Your children get to make new friends and socialise. Every week there will be opportunities for craft, storytelling and song, giving children options to explore and play.


We are excited to announce that Melissa Pears will be running our GSG Playgroup this year. Melissa is a qualified Education Assistant with experience in early intervention, classrooms, NDIS support and most recently ran a Kindilink program in the Great Southern. She is looking forward to setting up a mixture of play-based independent and structured activities for children from 0-4 to enjoy. Melissa is excited to work playgroup families to create an enjoyable experience for all.


The Grammar Playgroup session runs on Thursday mornings (in term time only, from Week Two Thursday 13 February) from 9.00am to 11.00am in the Early Childhood Centre at Great Southern Grammar. Families interested in joining the Playgroup are invited to attend three sessions without obligation. Families who wish to continue attending the Playgroup on an ongoing basis are requested to complete the registration form..

Tea and coffee is provided (free of charge).

GSG map

Session timetable (indicative only)

Playgroup will begin at 9.00am. Families with students at GSG are welcome to utilise the foyer and playground space from 8.30am to 9.00am while they wait.

9.00am – Welcome, Tea and Coffee available
9.05am – Indoor activities
9.45am – Snack time, please bring a piece of fruit to share and your own snacks as needed
10.15am to 11.00am – Outside activity

Children are welcome to join in the structured activities or explore the free play activities set up.


Weekly attendance to Playgroup is free thanks to Great Southern Grammar. Annual membership is $40 which is payable after attending three sessions. Your membership cover includes insurance for the Grammar Playgroup and consumables.

Once you have completed the registration form, please pay the annual membership at Reception.


For further information please contact Community Engagement & Enrolments Manager, Mrs Julia Bairstow on 9844 0307 or email julia.bairstow@gsg.wa.edu.au.